Improve Your Core Flexibility with 6 Hip Stretches

Improve Your Core Flexibility with 6 Hip Stretches

As important as it is to strengthen your hips, stretching them properly is equally important. Tightness in your hips can cause pain in your back, hamstrings, knees, and of course your hips! Perform these stretches once or twice per day to increase flexibility, decrease pain, and stand straighter! Hold each stretch for 30 seconds on each side. 

1.  Hip flexor:  Stand near a counter or something stable for balance. Take a large step forward with your right leg. Bend both knees slightly. Tilt your pelvis under slightly to elongate the front of your left hip. 

Hip Flexor.jpg

2.  Piriformis:  Sit in a supportive chair. Cross your foot over the opposite knee. Pull your knee in toward your chest while sitting with good posture. 

Piriformis Stretch

3.  ITBand: Stand near a counter or something supportive. Cross your right leg over your left. Lean slightly away from your left hip that is stretching. 

ITBand Stretch

4.  Hamstring: While sitting on the edge of a supportive chair, place one leg out straight. Stretch the back of your thigh by gently leaning forward. 

Hamstring Stretch.jpg

5.  Quadriceps: Stand near a counter or something supportive. Place your foot on a chair placed behind you. If this isn't enough stretch, grab your ankle and gently pull toward your bottom. Keep your knees in line with each other. 

6.  Adductor: While sitting on the edge of a supportive chair, place one leg straight out to the side to stretch the inner part of your thigh. Gently lean forward to increase the stretch. 

Adductor Stretch

Your hips are an essential part of your core.  Keeping them strong and flexible will improve your ability to perform essential activities of daily living. 

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