Beat The Winter Doldrums

Beat The Winter Doldrums

It's the end of January and we're heading into February. For many, this is the hardest time of the year. Most diet and fitness resolutions have fizzled. Christmas credit card bills have come in. You or someone close to you has been fighting that nagging cough or stomach bug. It's cold and you're sick of bundling day in and day out. And what we wouldn't give for an extra hour or 2 of daylight by now! Here are a few ideas to help freshen things up in your mind and shine a positive light on the days ahead. 

    Forgive and forget. If you haven't followed your new resolutions as closely as you had hoped, forget it and move forward. Self-deprecating thoughts and feelings tend to lead to more negative behavior. Realize that you can't change what you have done, you can only change what you are currently doing and what you will do from this point forward. Forgive yourself so that you can move forward with a clean conscience.


    Bundle up and get outside! Contrary to what your grandmother told you, you cannot "catch cold" from being outside in the cold. Not only does being in the cold NOT elicit having a cold, moderate, regular exercise is associated with a stronger immune system. Be safe and dress appropriately for the colder conditions, but you can definitely benefit from filling your lungs with crisp, fresh air. 

    Plan a trip to a warmer climate. Even if you can't leave tomorrow for a beach vacation, having a plan for a warm-weather get-away can do a lot for your psyche. Also, if you do happen to have a beach vacation looming on the horizon, it is a great motivator to stick to your healthy diet and exercise routine!

This time of year is tough for those of us who are living in the cold climates. But remember this; we are gaining 2 & 1/2 minutes of daylight each day now! By the end of February our days will be 90 minutes longer! Hang in here. Pretty soon we'll be complaining that it's too hot. For now, get out and enjoy that crisp, refreshing air!

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