Not Always Fun!

While on a run with my 12-year-old last week, he said to me, “Sometimes running is really hard and not very fun, but I always feel great afterward and am so glad I did it!” BINGO! That is a very good thing to keep in mind for each and every one of us. Exercise is NOT always fun. Even I struggle to get myself moving some days. But one thing is for sure, I never regret having completed my exercise routine. Of course exercise can absolutely be enjoyable! And honestly the more you participate in exercise, particularly on those “hard” days, the more likely you are to enjoy exercise and activity in general. Here are some ways to get through those hard days when you really feel like taking a day off.

Bar Push ups

·      Mix it up: If you just can’t bring yourself to even start your regular exercise routine try something totally different. Find a local park and walk around the perimeter or through the trails. Walk a different route through your neighborhood. Try a new exercise class. Changing up your exercise routine can make it more interesting and get you through the more challenging days.

·      Take it Easy: Sometimes our exercise routine can seem more difficult for a reason and we need to listen to our bodies. Don’t completely skip exercise on these days, but maybe tone it down a bit. If you typically walk at 4 mph on a varying incline, try walking 3.8 mph and decrease the incline by 1-2%. Or instead of riding a long, hilly road on your bike, find a flatter route to take for the day. Or if you are in an exercise class, back off on your weights by a pound or 2 or do one less set. Remember – something is always better than nothing.

·      Call a Friend: Exercising with a friend, or group of friends, is a great way to keep moving and take your mind off the fact that you’re exercising. Who knows – you might help them get through a less motivating day as well!

·      Tough it Out: Unless you’re dealing with an injury, sometimes the best way to get through a hard day is to just get through it. Do what you need to do and get it over-with. Put your determination for NOT wanting to exercise INTO your run, bike ride, weight training, etc and use it to push even harder. It will make those easy motivation days even easier and more enjoyable!

Remember the reasons for exercising are endless, improved heart health, weight loss, increased bone density, improved mental capacity, etc. So if you can make yourself get through those hard days for any of those fundamental reasons, I guarantee you’ll feel better after you’ve finished. Get out there!

Beat the Heat!

Beat the Heat!

Change Your Focus

Change Your Focus