Beginning Plank: 101

Beginning Plank: 101

The plank is an amazing exercise that incorporates many muscles throughout your entire body. Because it is low-impact, it is wonderful for both prevention of and recovery from a back injury, particularly common low back pain that so many people suffer from. Plank exercises not only strengthen the back muscles themselves, but also strengthen the muscles that surround and support the spine, including the abdominals.  They also strengthen shoulder, chest, neck, hip, and arm muscles, resulting in improved posture. The best thing about planks is that you can literally do them anywhere! A few tips to performing planks: Start by holding these for 10 seconds and work your way up to more time as you improve. Remember to breathe throughout the entire hold. If you have trouble doing these on your knees, place a pillow under your knees.

  • Plank on Chair/Bench: Using an elevated platform is a wonderful way to start this exercise. Start by standing close to the bench or chair and walk your feet back to that your body is in a straight line. Hold for 10 seconds. If this proves a bit too difficult, start by performing on your knees.
  • Superman on wall/bar: Standing close to the wall, or using a bar, raise your right hand straight up and lift your left leg straight back. Hold for 5 seconds and switch. Try to do each 5-10 times.
  • Hands/Knees: Start by lying flat on your stomach. Place your hands directly beneath your shoulders and press your body up into a push-up position. Start by performing with your knees on the ground. Keep a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Do not let your hips come up or sag. Keep your head and neck straight in line with your spine – do not look up or let your head droop. 
  • Side Plank on Knees: Begin this exercise lying on your side, propped up on your elbow. Position your legs on top of each other and bend your knees slightly. Lift your hips off the ground and maintain a straight line from your knees through the top of your head. Start by holding for 10 seconds. If pain in your knees, place top leg out straight or place a pillow between your knees.

Check back next week for more ideas on how you can perform the plank and increase your core strength.  

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