Reward yourself!

How many times have you justified eating something bad for you by saying, “I deserve this”? Wait a second. You deserve to put non-nourishing, unhealthy food into your body because you’ve worked so hard avoiding those foods,  you’re so tired, or over-worked, etc? You fill in the blank.  You are essentially telling yourself you deserve to make your body process garbage and in the process feel even worse.  Unhealthy non-nourishing foods only make you feel more tired. They may make you feel guilty, thus leading to a negative cycle of more negative behavior or eating habits.  You went for a walk, you exercised every day for a week, you lost 10 pounds, you at a vegetable, etc. These are all great things! But these healthy actions do not “deserve” to be undone by eating a pint of ice cream, a box of donuts, an entire order of cheese fries, or an unlimited trip to your local buffet. Here are 5 ways to “reward” yourself without undoing all of your hard-earned health. 


1.   Take a trip: Take your new healthy, energetic self out and about and do something special! Whether you go on a cruise or visit a national park you’ve never been to, celebrate your accomplishments and enjoy yourself!

2.     Buy yourself a new toy! Thank about something that brings you joy that also gets you out and moving. After losing weight and eating right, you may want to celebrate by buying a new bike, a new pair of skis, or a nice set of binoculars.

3.     Buy a new pair of jeans: It feels really great to go to the store and try on (and fit into!) a smaller clothing size. Clothes can be expensive. By investing in a new, smaller pair of jeans or other clothing item, you are also making a commitment to maintaining your new healthier size.

farm to table

4.     Go Out to Eat: Research a local farm to table restaurant that focuses on whole, unprocessed, healthy foods. By experiencing healthy foods in new, delicious recipes, it may give you motivation to continue to try new foods at home and to keep striving toward overall health.

Continue to make your shift toward health.  By undoing all of your hard work by participating in unhealthy rewards only makes it harder for you and your body to reach and maintain your goals.

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