6 Stretches You NEED Every Day

Flexibility is the most neglected aspect of fitness. And it’s easy to see why. I have been guilty of skipping the stretching portion of the fitness video, or jumping in my car right after I finish a run or a bike ride. Stretching takes time! And you may have just used the most time you think you could dedicate to fitness in the actual “exercise” portion of your day. Do yourself a favor and figure in 5 minutes of stretching at the end of your workout. This may mean that you cut your workout short in order to fit it in. Or if you don’t have time to workout, plan 5 minutes of stretching anyway. Your body will thank you. Here are the important things to consider when stretching: hold a STATIC stretch for 20-30 seconds, breathe throughout the stretch – no holding your breath; stretch to the point of slight discomfort – not pain; maintain good posture throughout your stretch.

1.     Hamstring Stretch: Sit in a firm chair and place one leg out straight. With good posture, gently lean forward over your straight leg. Remember to hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite leg.

2.     Quadriceps Stretch: While holding onto something sturdy, bend one knee and either hold you ankle or place on a chair behind you.

3.     Low Back Stretch: While sitting in a supportive chair, gently lean forward and try to touch the ground between your legs. Make sure you come back up very slowly to avoid feeling light-headed.

4.     Chest/Biceps Stretch: Stand or sit on the edge of a supportive chair. Spread your arms gently to the side, opening up your chest. Keep the palms of your hands facing forward.

5.     Shoulder Stretch: Bring one arm across your chest. Use the opposite hand to hold the elbow and gently pull across your chest. Keep your shoulders down.

6.     Neck Stretch: While standing or sitting in a supportive chair, turn your head to the side. Hold and repeat on the opposite side.

There are countless more stretches you can do, particularly if you have specific areas of tightness or injury. But if you start with these and continue to do them regularly, you will begin to notice a difference in your overall flexibility and possibly improvements in pain levels throughout your body. Get stretching!

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